• What's Cooking

    What’s Cooking: Cathy’s Simple Veggie Soup for Complicated Times

    What’s Cooking is a feature at LGBTSr highlighting readers’ favorite recipes.

    We’re keeping it simple during these complicated, stressful times. Here’s a recipe from herbalist Cathy McNease that only takes about 15 minutes and is a great addition to something more substantial, or as a stand-alone.

    “This is my go to when I am tired and want a healthy meal quickly. Start to finish is about 10-15 minutes.”

    • Vegetables of your choice – brocolli, potato, zucchini, onion – all work well, singly or together.
    •             (if potato is included it will make the soup more creamy)
    • Steam the vegetables til soft.
    • Then, put vegies and the steam water in the blender along with 1 can of coconut milk, 1-3 Tbsp of miso paste (depending on how salty you like it) and seasonings you like – I use cumin powder, oregano and basil.
    • Blend all together and warm briefly.
    • Top with chopped cilantro. Serve with crackers, chips or buttered toast. Mmmm!

    Have a favorite recipe? Send it to: recipes @ lgbtsr.com and share it with readers. Include something about yourself and a photo or two if you’d like.


    2020 Pennsylvania LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment

    Pennsylvania has become a leader in collecting data to measure health disparities impacting the overall wellness of its LGBTQ population. Since 2015, a growing network of LGBTQ organizations have helped to collect data about the health needs and barriers to care experienced by thousands of LGBTQ Pennsylvanians.

    Beginning March 9, this coalition will be collecting data for the 2020 PA LGBTQ Needs Assessment. For the first time, there is a Spanish language version of the assessment (http://bit.ly/2020PANA_S). Special efforts are being made to encourage participation from underrepresented subpopulations including LGBTQ youth, people of color, members of rural communities, and transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. As we seek to capture a greater diversity of perspectives, we hope to promote a better understanding of the unique experiences of members throughout the LGBTQ community and throughout the state.

    Every person who partakes in the survey will be helping Pennsylvania’s department of health learn more about how to promote the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people. The data collected will fuel community-based programs designed to close gaps in service and address health disparities. Together, we will build a stronger, healthier community.

    Take the time to raise your voice for LGBTQ health and be entered in a raffle to win a gift card now at http://bit.ly/2020PANA_E.

  • Podcast Pick,  Podcast Picks,  Podcasts

    LGBTSr Podcast Pick: Homophilia, with Hosts Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey

    LGBTSr Podcast Pick offers suggestions for podcast fans. Fasten your headphones!

    This week’s Podcast Pick features a show with hosts Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey interviewing a variety of LGBT celebrities, often breezy, always engaging. Listen up!

    About Homophilia

    Hosts Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey grill LGBT celebrities on what they’re loving, and who they’re loving. This queer comedy party celebrates pop culture obsessions and interrogates guests on their personal experiences with dating, sex and love.

    Have a podcast you’d like to recommend? Email me at editor AT lgbtsr.com.

  • One Thing or Another,  One Thing or Another Podcast,  Podcasts

    From the Podcast Archives with Herbalist Cathy McNease: Let’s Talk About Arthritis

    Our library here is chock full of great interviews, and among my favorites are my chats with herbalist Cathy McNease. In this podcast she talks about arthritis – what it is, its causes and, of course, its treatments. Let’s listen in …

    Cathy McNease is a nationally certified herbalist with a Diplomate in Chinese Herbology from the NCCAOM, a B.S. in Biology and Psychology from Western Michigan University and two Master Herbalist certificates from Emerson College of Herbology in Canada and East-West Course of Herbology in Santa Cruz.

    Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, SoundCloud and at OneThingOrAnotherPodast.com

    Copyright MadeMarkPublishing

  • Being Well,  Columns

    Being Well with LGBTSr: The Stats On Statins

    Being Well is a regular feature at LGBTSr highlighting health and wellness.

    I never wanted to be that older adult with a pillbox that has the weekdays on it, and inside, several medications to be taken at mealtime, before mealtime, at bedtime, or some combination of them all. But here I am, 61 and on a statin for elevated cholesterol, something I’d been cautioned about for years but never treated for. So what are statins? And are they safe?

    What are statins

    Statins, also known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are a class of lipid-lowering medications that reduce illness and mortality in those who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease. They are the most common cholesterol-lowering drugs. (Wikipedia) 

    Statins are often prescribed by doctors to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. By lowering the levels, they help prevent heart attacks and stroke. Studies show that, in certain people, statins reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death from heart disease by about 25% to 35%.

  • Book Reviews,  Columns

    Book Review: Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health, edited by Adrian Shanker, foreword by Rachel L. Levine, MD, afterword by Kate Kendell

    By Terri Schlichenmeyer
    The Bookworm Sez

    “Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health,” edited by Adrian Shanker, foreword by Rachel L. Levine, MD, afterword by Kate Kendell
    c.2020, PM Press $20.00 / higher in Canada 208 pages

    You woke up this morning feeling pretty good.

    That was quite a relief: in these frightening, uncertain times, every day of wellness is a bonus – especially when you consider that healthcare for a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer patient can be different than what straight people require. Too bad healthcare providers don’t always know that. But read “Bodies and Barriers,” edited by Adrian Shanker, and you’ll feel more empowered to tell them.

  • Columns,  Savvy Senior

    The Savvy Senior: How Medicare is Covering Coronavirus

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Is Medicare covering testing for the coronavirus? My husband and I are very nervous about this virus and would like to find out if or when we should get tested, and how Medicare manages it.

    Nervous Nelly

    Dear Nelly,

    Yes! Medicare is indeed covering the cost of testing for the coronavirus, or COVID-19. But be aware that getting a test isn’t as simple as going to your local pharmacy or doctor’s office and asking for one. Here’s a breakdown of what Medicare is covering, along with how to get tested if you think you may have symptoms.

  • One Thing or Another,  One Thing or Another Podcast,  Podcasts

    Bruce Halford, Freelance Producer, Writer and Director, Joins the One Thing or Another Podcast

    Listen in as I chat with Bruce Halford, Executive Producer and founder of Husky TV, about his life and career. Bruce is a freelance producer, writer and director specializing for the past 20+ years in fact-based television shows and documentaries, based in both New Jersey and Los Angeles. He remains involved in partnerships to create and pitch program concepts.

    About Bruce Halford:

    Bruce worked in local TV news in the 1990s as a News Director at the Fox-owned station on Dallas-Ft. Worth, and an Assistant News Director at KYW-TV in Philadelphia.

    Before that he worked in Los Angeles producing and directing magazine-format TV series; he also produced, wrote and directed various freelance TV programs and segments, including an award-winning documentary for the 25th anniversary of the JFK assassination

    Still earlier, Bruce was an on-air TV reporter in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Atlanta and Houston.

    His first job in the business, while in college, was as an on-air reporter for CBS radio affiliate in Houston.

    Bruce is in the final stages of wrangling his first e-book novel onto Amazon. Fasten your headphones!

    Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify iHeart Radio, SoundCloud and at OneThingOrAnotherPodast.com

    Copyright MadeMarkPublishing

  • Books

    Books for a Quarantine: Select Titles to Pass the Time

    Following are a few suggestions in several categories to keep your mind occupied over the coming days and weeks. – Mark/Editor

    By Terri Sclichenmeyer
    The Bookworm Sez

    Hunker down.

    That’s what you’ll be doing for the immediate future: trying to stay well or get well or just waiting. You’ve had enough TV and the pantry’s as clean as it’ll ever get, so maybe it’s time to find something to read. Why not try one of these great books…..