• Health Beat,  LGBTSR

    Health Beat: Coping with the Summer Heat

    By Mark McNease

    Tomorrow is the official first day of summer, and the temperatures here in New Jersey are proof of it. After some very comfortable months, the heat and humidity are increasing steadily, and we’re headed for our first heat wave of the summer (defined as three days or more of above-90 degree temps).

    It’s been okay so far here in the countryside where we live, but this morning I had to pull out the bandanna I wrap around my head when the humidity gets drippy. And I watered the vegetable garden early this morning before a trip out of town.

    We have two cats and I always think about them, too. They’ve survived before and they’ll survive again, but always keep lots of fresh water for them and hire a pet sitter if you go away.

    And now … some tips and reflections on the dog days of summer.

  • Healthcare,  Transgender

    VA issues directive on care for transgender veterans

    This is good news. The Veterans Administration has issued a new directive on providing care for transgender veterans. From On the Issues Magazine:

    The Veterans Administration released a new directive on transgender veterans in June 2011, “Providing Health Care For Transgender And Intersex Veterans.” This directive recognizes the reality of many service members’ lives: the intersection of trans women’s and women veterans’ experience, and the specific needs that they encounter. It’s no surprise that women’s experiences intersect with multiple personal identities and that they are not confined to the traditional sex and gender binary of western society. Earlier in 2011, the National Center for Transgender Equality, a national social justice organization in Washington, D.C., released a 221-page report that created a demographic portrait of transgender people in the U.S., based on an extensive study sample of 7,000 and a rigorous survey review. Released in conjunction with the D.C.-based National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, one of the findings of the report, Injustice At Every Turn was that 20 percent of the adult, transgender people in the United States are military veterans, as compared to 10 percent of the adult population of the United States who are military veterans. The “Injustice” report had other significant findings, as well. For example, 30 percent of the transgender adult respondents reported having a physical disability or mental health condition that substantially affected a major life activity. By contrast, the overall U.S. population reports a disability at a rate of 20 percent.