I saw a headline about Joyce DeWitt, of ‘Thee’s Company’ fame, making her theater debut and I was going to start out with a line about having seen Eve Plumb in a play a few months ago. It turns out it’s the same role. Best wishes and virtual flowers to Joyce.
From the Detroit News:
New York— It has taken a long time, but Joyce DeWitt is finally doing what she always wanted to do: Make her stage debut in New York.
“I know, isn’t it a hoot?” the former “Three’s Company” star asks with glee a few hours before hitting the boards one recent afternoon. “This is where I was headed, and then I got sidetracked in Holly-weird and one thing happened after another.”
Her theater is modest: It’s off-Broadway, underneath a restaurant, beside a bar, and the audience sits on folded seats. But it’s near Times Square and she’s the star. Plus, DeWitt is still making people laugh.
“I’m just a late bloomer,” says the 62-year-old actress, though she retains an impish adorableness and is prone to say “gee-willikers” or “wow-ski” rather than swear. “It took me a long time to have confidence in my work.”
DeWitt has stepped into the title role of “Miss Abigail’s Guide to Dating, Mating & Marriage!” — a 90-minute comedy being staged at Sofia’s Downstairs Theater. ]]>