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  • Videos

    61 years and still waiting to marry

    My partner Frank and I live in New York. While I’d be happy to make the short trip to Greenwich, CT, to get married, Frank’s among the many who want to wait until we can do it in the state in which we live. So . . . here’s a video making the rounds of a charming, devoted couple who’ve been together for 61 years and are still waiting for that trip to the courthouse in their home state. Governor Cuomo thinks he can make it happen, I’ll reserve judgment.]]>

  • Events,  Videos

    'Gen Silent' documentary highlights plight of LGBT elderly

    What would you do if you were old, disabled or ill – and the person feeding you put down the spoon and explained that you are going to hell unless you change your sexual orientation? Sound absurd? According to social workers, it’s happening every day. Gen Silent is the new LGBT documentary from award-winning director and documentary filmmaker Stu Maddux (Bob and Jack’s 52-Year Adventure, Trip to Hell and Back) that asks six LGBT seniors if they will hide their lives to survive in the care system.” The above quote is from the ‘about‘ section for what promises to be a searing documentary on the plight of elderly LGBT people. This is a population largely forgotten. It’s easy to think that if we’re lucky we get old, but for LGBT seniors that luck can run out. Mistreatment, neglect, rejection and fear are forcing many of our elders to retreat back into the closet for their own safety and survival. ‘Gen Silent’ is showing at the Fairy Tales Queer Film Festival in Alberta, Canada, and is being screened in various locations around the country. I haven’t seen it yet but plan to as soon as possible. More on it when I do.]]>

  • Cathy's Wealth of Health,  Videos

    A Wealth of Health with Cathy (introductory video)

    This is an introductory video with Cathy McNease, who’ll be writing a regular column on health and well-being for those over-50 (this site’s audience). Cathy is my sister and she’s been in the field of Chinese medicine and herbology for four decades. Cathy is a nationally certified herbalist with a Diplomate in Chinese Herbology from the NCCAOM, a B.S. in Biology and Psychology from Western Michigan University and two Master Herbalist certificates from Emerson College of Herbology in Canada and East-West Course of Herbology in Santa Cruz. You can read her full biography on the left sidebar. I’m thrilled to have Cathy as a contributor to lgbtSr. She knows her stuff, and has been a trusted resource for me for many years, and a friend for life. Well, at least since I was adopted at the age of two and she rode in the car with me from Mississippi to Indiana. The journey comes full circle.]]>

  • Videos

    A job interview in corporate-speak

    This is so on-the-mark. Having done some support for our internal communications department I hear this kind of language all the time. The only thing missing is the word ‘evangelizing,’ which has come into very annoying use. It should be reserved for religion, where it has its roots and real meaning. By the time you’re ‘evangelizing the brand’ you’re ready for a brain transplant, or the graveyard of ideas. Speaking of job interviews: I should be able to write here very soon about my current experience with this. I’m losing my job and have yet to know what my status is with this company. I’ll have plenty to say about that in the coming days.]]>