Savvy Senior: Tax Breaks for Caregiver of Elderly Parents
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Are there any tax breaks that you know of for family caregivers? I help financially support my 82-year-old mother and would like to find out if I can write any of these expenses off on my taxes.
Supplemental Sam
Dear Sam,
There are actually several tax credits and deductions available to adult children who help look after their aging parents or other relatives. Here are some options along with the IRS requirements to help you determine if you’re eligible to receive them.
Savvy Senior: How to Write a Loved Ones Obituary
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I would like to get my personal, legal and financial information organized so my kids will know what’s going on when I’m no longer around. Can you offer any tips on the best way to do this?
Unorganized Emma
Dear Emma,
Organizing your important papers and getting your personal and financial affairs in order is a smart idea and wonderful gift to your loved ones. Here are some tips to get you started.
Savvy Senior: Deciphering Senior Housing Options
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you decipher the different types of housing options available to seniors, and recommend some good resources for locating them? I need to find a place for my elderly mother and could use some help.
Overwhelmed Daughter
Dear Overwhelmed,
There’s a wide array of housing options available to seniors, but what’s appropriate for your mom will depend on her needs and financial situation. Here’s a rundown of the different levels of senior housing and some resources to help you choose one.
Savvy Senior: How Older Drivers Can Save on Auto Insurance
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you provide any tips to help seniors reduce their auto insurance premiums? I just got hit with a 15 percent increase on my car insurance and am looking for ways to save.
Fixed Income Frank
Dear Frank,
Unfortunately, auto insurance rates went up significantly over the past year as the pandemic eased and more Americans got back on the roads. But there are plenty of ways to cut your premium. To find out what discounts may be available to you, contact your auto insurer and inquire about these options, and any others that may benefit you.
Savvy Senior: Senior Alert: Your old cellphone may not work in 2022
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
My 80-year-old father has an old flip phone he carries around with him for emergency purposes, but I’ve heard that these devices will soon be phased out. Is this true? If so, how can we know if his phone will be affected, and where can I find him a simple new one that he can operate.
Searching Daughter
Dear Searching,
Yes, it’s true! If your dad’s mobile phone is more than a few years old, he will probably need to upgrade it in the very near future.
Because all of the major cell phone carriers – AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile – are shutting down their older 3G networks in 2022 to free up airwaves for 5G and other advanced services. So, if your dad is using an old 3G phone, like millions of other older Americans, he’ll need to get a new device if he wants to make calls, text or reach 911.
Savvy Senior: How to Help Your Overmedicated Parent
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
My 75-year-old mother is currently taking 16 different prescription and OTC medications and I’m worried she’s taking way too many drugs. Can you suggest any resources that can help us?
Worried Daughter
Dear Worried,
Unfortunately, millions of older Americans are taking way too many medications today, which raises their risk of dangerous side effects and drug interactions.
Savvy Senior: Does Medicare Cover Mobility Scooters or Wheelchairs?
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I have arthritis in my hips and knees and have a difficult time getting around anymore. What do I need to do to get a Medicare-covered electric-powered scooter or wheelchair?
Need a Ride
Dear Need,
If you’re enrolled in original Medicare, getting an electric-powered mobility scooter or wheelchair that’s covered by Medicare starts with a visit to your doctor’s office.
If eligible, Medicare will pay 80 percent of the cost, after you’ve met your Part B deductible ($203 in 2021). You will be responsible for the remaining 20 percent unless you have supplemental insurance. Here’s a breakdown of how it works.
Savvy Senior: Tips and Tools for Family Caregivers
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you recommend any resources that offer help to family caregivers? I’ve been taking care of my 86-year-old mother and could use some help.
Burned-Out Brenda
Dear Brenda,
Caring for an aging parent or other loved one over a period of time can be very challenging both physically and mentally. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and services you can turn to that can help lighten the load. Here are several to consider.
Savvy Senior: How to Protect Yourself Against Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
You can hear my interview with Savvy Senior’s Jim Miller HERE.
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you tell me about stomach aneurysms? My father died from one about 10 years ago and I’m wondering if that can increase my risk of developing one myself.
Almost 60
Dear Almost,
While you don’t hear much about them, stomach aneurysms, also known as abdominal aortic aneurysms, are very dangerous and the 10th leading cause of death in men over 55. They also tend to run in families, so having had a parent with this condition makes you much more vulnerable yourself.
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (or AAA) is a weak area in the lower portion of the aorta, which is the major artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. As blood flows through the aorta, the weak area bulges like a balloon and can burst if it gets too big, causing life-threatening internal bleeding. In fact, nearly 80 percent of AAAs that rupture are fatal, but the good news is that more than nine out of 10 detected early are treatable.
Savvy Senior: How to Find Financial Assistance for Aging-in-Place Improvements
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Do you know of any financial assistance programs that can help seniors with home improvement projects? I would like to help my grandparents make a few modifications to their house so they can continue living there safely, but money is tight.
Searching Grandson
Dear Searching,
Yes! There are a number of financial aid programs available that can help seniors with home modifications and improvement projects for aging-in-place, but what’s available to your grandparents will depend on their financial situation and where they live. Here are some different options to explore.
Savvy Senior: How Does Social Security Work When a Spouse or Ex-Spouse Dies?
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Who qualifies for Social Security survivor benefits? My ex-husband died last year, so I would like to find out if me or my 17-year-old daughter are eligible for anything?
Divorced Survivor
Dear Divorced,
If your ex-husband worked and paid Social Security taxes and you and/or your daughter meet the eligibility requirements, you may very well be eligible for survivor benefits, but you should act quickly because benefits are generally retroactive only up to six months. Here’s what you should know.
Savvy Senior: Simple and Inexpensive Final Farewells
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
My husband and I are looking for the simplest and least expensive way to dispose of our bodies when we die. We hate the idea of wasting a lot of money on high-priced funerals and would like some advice on some simple and cheap send-offs.
Simple Seniors
Dear Simple,
With the average cost of a full-service funeral running around $11,000 today, many people are seeking simple ways to make their final farewell more affordable. Depending on how you want to go, here are several low-cost options to consider.