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  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Auto Aids That Make Driving Easier and Safer

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Do you know of any car gadgets that can help older drivers? I drive a 12-year-old car and have arthritis in my neck, back and knees which limits my mobility making it more difficult to get in and out of the car and look over my shoulder to backup.

    Almost 80 

    Dear Almost,

    To help keep older drivers safe and extend their driving years, there are a number of inexpensive products you can purchase that can easily be added to your vehicle to help with many different needs. Here are some popular auto aids to consider.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Flu Vaccines That Are Recommended for Older Adults

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I just turned 65 and would like to learn more about the stronger flu shots I see advertised for older adults. What can you tell me about them and how are they covered by Medicare?

    Senior Novice

    Dear Novice,

    There are actually three different types of senior-specific flu shots (you only need one) that the CDC is now recommending to people age 65 and older. These FDA-approved annual vaccines are designed to offer extra protection beyond what a standard flu shot provides, which is important for older adults who have weaker immune defenses and have a greater risk of developing dangerous flu complications. Here’s more information on these three vaccines.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How the Inflation Reduction Act Will Lower Your Drug Costs

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    What kind of changes can Medicare beneficiaries expect to see in the Inflation Reduction Act that was recently signed into law? I’m enrolled in original Medicare and have a Part D prescription drug plan but spent more than $6,000 out-of-pocket last year on medications alone.

    Overpaying Paul 

    Dear Paul,

    The climate, tax and health care bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden last month includes significant improvements to the Medicare program that will kick-in over the next few years.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Should You Take Daily Aspirin for Your Heart?

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I’ve been taking daily aspirin for almost 20 years now because I have a family history of heart disease. But I recently read that using aspirin is not recommended anymore. What can you tell me about this change in philosophy?

    Confused Aspirin User

    Dear Confused,

    There’s no doubt that taking low-dose daily aspirin is beneficial to most people who’ve had a heart attack or stroke. But if you don’t have heart disease, should you take it as a preventative measure? The answer for most people is probably not, according to new guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a widely respected independent panel that develops recommendations on preventive health care. Here’s what you should know.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How to Find and Claim Your Family’s Forgotten Assets

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    A while back I read an article about some online tools that can help people search for lost or forgotten money left behind by their deceased relatives, but I’ve misplaced it. Can you help me with this? My mom, who passed away in January, was always bad about keeping up with her money, so I’m wondering if there was anything she left behind.

    Searching Son

    Dear Searching,

    Forgotten or lost money is actually very common in the United States. According to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, there are literally billions of dollars in unclaimed funds sitting in state treasuries and other agencies just waiting to be found.

    These unclaimed funds are from accounts that are inactive or whose owners, or their heirs, cannot be located. Unclaimed funds can include things like lost or forgotten saving or checking accounts, stocks, utility security deposits, tax refunds, life insurance policy proceeds, un-cashed dividend checks, matured savings bonds and much more.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How to Hire an In-Home Helper for an Aging Parent

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I would like to hire an in-home helper for my 82-year-old mother to assist with household chores like housekeeping, grocery shopping and driving her to the doctor, etc. But mom doesn’t require any personal/physical caregiving, nor does she require any home medical care. Any tips to help us find someone?

    Searching Sarah

    Dear Sarah,

    Getting your mother some help at home to handle some of her day-to-day chores is a smart idea that can make a big difference keeping her independent longer. Here’s are some tips to help you find someone reliable.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Electric Trikes Provide Older Riders Fun, Fitness and Safety

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    What can you tell me about electric trikes for semi-seniors? I used to cycle a lot in my younger years but have some balance problems and don’t trust myself on a two-wheeler anymore. I’ve read that electric powered trikes are a good option for older riders but could use some help choosing one.

    Unsteady Eddie 

    Dear Eddie,

    Electric powered adult tricycles – also known as e-trikes – are a great cycling option for older adults with balance or stamina issues because they’re safe and super fun to ride, and easy on an aging body. Here’s what you should know, along with some tips to help you shop for one.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Is Skin Cancer Hereditary?

    You can listen to my interview with Savvy Senior’s Jim Miller here.

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    Is skin cancer hereditary? My 63-year-old brother died of melanoma last year, and I’m wondering if I’m at higher risk.

    Younger Sister 

    Dear Younger,

    While long-term sun exposure and sunburns are the biggest risk factors for melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer – having a sibling or parent with melanoma does indeed increase your risk, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How to Choose a Medicare Supplemental (Medigap) Policy

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I’m planning to enroll in original Medicare in a few months and have been told I probably need to get a Medicare supplemental policy too. Can you offer any tips on selecting one?

    Almost 65

    Dear Almost,

    If you’re enrolling in original Medicare, getting a supplemental policy (also known as Medigap insurance) too is a smart idea because it will help pay for things that aren’t covered by Medicare like copayments, coinsurance and the Part A deductible. Here are some tips to help you choose an appropriate plan.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How to Get Underutilized COVID Funeral Assistance Funds

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    I recently saw a news segment on TV about a government funeral assistance program available to families who lost loved ones during the pandemic. What can you tell me about this? I lost my 78-year-old mother to COVID in 2021 and want to find out if I’m still eligible for any funeral funds, and if so, what I need to do to get them.

    Still Sad

    Dear Sad,

    I’m very sorry about the loss of your mother. The government program you are asking about is the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (or FEMA). This program is part of the American Rescue Plan, a stimulus package passed in 2021 in an effort to help the country financially manage amid the pandemic.

    This program, which has no end date, offers up to $9,000 to cover the cost of a funeral for someone who died of COVID-19 as far back as January 2020.

    Unfortunately, less than half the people believed eligible for funeral assistance have actually applied for it. Here’s what you should know about the program’s requirements and how to apply.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: Adaptive Clothing Takes the Stress Out of Dressing

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    What kinds of clothing options are available to mobility challenged seniors who have a difficult time dressing?

    Looking for Mom

    Dear Looking,

    The chore of dressing and undressing in traditional clothing can be difficult, time-consuming and even painful for millions of people with certain health and mobility problems. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety special clothing, known as “adaptive clothing,” that can help with most dressing challenges. Here’s what you should know.

  • Savvy Senior

    Savvy Senior: How to Start a Walking Program and Stay Motivated

    By Jim Miller

    Dear Savvy Senior,

    My doctor recently suggested I start a walking program to help get my weight and blood pressure under control, but I’ve never exercised much and am 66. Can you recommend some tips?

    Hate to Exercise 

    Dear Hate,

    You should follow your doctor’s orders. Years of research have shown that walking may be the single best exercise you can do to improve your health as you age. It burns calories, which will help you lose weight, builds endurance, enhances muscle tone and it doesn’t pound your joints.

    It also helps improve or prevent many age-related health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, dementia and even depression.

    But walking is not only good for what ails you. It’s also one of the easiest and most convenient exercises you can do and is completely free. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes that fit well and a little desire. Here are some things you should know to help get you started and stay motivated.