One Thing or Another Podcast: Audiobook Narrator Sean Rhead on the Making of ‘Reservation for Murder’
Join me for a conversation with audiobook narrator Sean Rhead. We’ve just finished our second book together, Reservation for Murder: A Kyle Callahan Mystery, and Sean lets us in on his process for taking a book from print to microphone. Sean has been in the narration business for the past two years, and currently has over 20 titles available for download on Audible. His favorite genres to narrate are fantasy and mystery, but there is no genre he wouldn’t like to take on. When Sean is not narrating, he spends his time teaching music to the younger generation, singing musical theatre songs, and duetting sea shanties on TikTok. He is also a proud ally of the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities.
The Twist Podcast #169: Hello September, One War’s End, Clapton’s Claptrap, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we welcome September, reflect on the end of the war in Afghanistan, Big Boo tired guitar god Eric Clapton, and take a look at the headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
One Thing or Another Podcast: Amy Simon, President of LGBT Senior Housing and Care, Joins the Show
It’s good to be back after a short hiatus, and to have as my guest Amy Simon, President of LGBT Senior Housing and Care. Join me for a conversation with Amy about her background, her dedication to the LGBTQ+ senior population, and the vital services provided by the organization.
Amy Simon, CEO/President Amy is President of LGBT Senior Housing and Care and the founding director of the LGBTSHC program. Amy is the president of ASimonSays,LLC a WBE public and community relations firm since 2003. ASimonSays specializes in public relations, advocacy policy initiatives and reputation management for agencies, small business, not-for-profits , healthcare, manufacturing, service industries and the arts. Learn more about Amy at www.asimonsays.com
The Twist Podcast #168: Bikers for Death, Tussle in Texas, Cuomo A Go-Go, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the South Dakota death bike rally featuring super spreader Kristi Noem, teacher pushback in Texas and Florida, Cuomo’s graceless exit, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
The Twist Podcast #167: Good Moments to All, DeSantis Doubles Down, No More #Queerface, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we wish everyone a happy moment, discuss the Florida surge fiasco, call for an end to queerbaiting in pop culture, and take a Twisted look at the headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
The Twist Podcast #166: Mindless Memes, Delta Dawns, Sexless Summer Swimwear, and the Week In Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we consider stupid memes, the coming Delta variant disaster, unsexy men’s swimwear for summer, and the week in headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
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From the Podcast Archives: Ginny Brennan, Producing Director for Music Mountain Theatre, Joins the Podcast
Now that life is returning to its new kind of normal we’re able to enjoy going to the theater again, and Lambertville boasts one of the best local theaters in the country. Last year I had the pleasure of interviewing Ginny Brennan, Producing Director and one of the founders of Music Mountain Theatre. After a year-plus of staying away due to Covid restrictions we’ve been delighted to go back, having recently seen the theater’s productions of Murder at Cheltenham Manor (a fun whodunit perfectly suited for this mystery writer!), and Head Over Heels, featuring music from 80s icons The Go-Gos.
MUSIC MOUNTAIN THEATRE opened its doors on October 6, 2017 with its inaugural production of Phantom. In addition to our Mainstage productions, we offer performances for Young Audiences throughout the year. Our theatre school offers classes encompassing a range of disciplines across acting, musical theatre, and dance.
It is the mission of MUSIC MOUNTAIN THEATRE to enrich, educate, and entertain our community through the study, performance, and appreciation of the arts.
Enjoy the One Thing or Another Podcast on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and at OneThingOrAnotherPodast.com
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The Twist Podcast #165: Vax Americana, Cheesecake Therapy, Designing Your Hellscape, and the Week In Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we ponder America’s slide into madness, examine anti-vax hysteria, talk about cheesecake, nudist camps and more.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
The Twist Podcast #164: Planetary Meltdown, BBQ Suggestions, and Our Super Gay July 4 Spectacular
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we survive the planetary meltdown and offer up our annual July 4 gaytacular.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
The Twist Podcast #161: Emma Thompson Slays, America Unmasks, Groceries Go Brandless, and the Great GOP Betrayal
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we marvel at Emma Thompson in Disney’s Cruella, take a deep mask-less breath, consider disappearing brands in grocery stores, and weep at the GOP’s betrayal of America.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
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Savvy Senior: Should You Be Screened for Lung Cancer?
By Jim Miller
Savvy SeniorDear Savvy Senior,
What can you tell me about lung cancer screenings? I was a big smoker but quit years ago, so I’m wondering if I should be checked out.
Former Smoker
Dear Still,
Lung cancer screening is used to detect the presence of lung cancer in otherwise healthy people with a high risk of lung cancer. Should you be screened? It depends on your age and your smoking history. Here’s what you should know.
The Twist Podcast #160: Liz Cheney Unchained, Some Kind of Normal, Twisted Listicles, and the Week in Headlines
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as we take a look at the ongoing GOP fireworks, a slow return to some kind of post-pandemic normal, and this week’s listicles and headlines.
Enjoy The Twist on Libsyn, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, and TheTwistPodcast.com.
Copyright 2021 MadeMark Publishing
Join Mark’s email list for updates, podcasts, giveaways, and his monthly newsletter!