Ann Cleeves Hits Another Homerun in the Matthew Venn Series
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Mark McNease
I’ll be talking some more about Ann Cleeves’ Matthew Venn series on the upcoming Mark McNease Mysteries Podcast.
What stands out in this series is the exploration of identity, relationships, and the shades of gray in between. It’s an effective combination of a gripping mystery and a deep, personal journey.
I’m a relatively recent fan of established mystery master Ann Cleeves. With her intricate plots and deep, complex characters, it’s no surprise that this British author is one of the leading figures in contemporary mystery fiction. She creates atmospheric settings that make you feel like you’re right there on scene, whether it’s the wild and windy Shetland Islands or the quaint, secluded villages of Northumberland.
She’s invented some of the most iconic detective characters in contemporary fiction: Jimmy Perez from the ‘Shetland’ series, and Vera Stanhope from the ‘Vera Stanhope’ series. Both protagonists exhibit layers of complexity that make them as unpredictable as the mysteries they’re trying to solve. They become like old friends who you’ve known forever, with all their quirks and idiosyncrasies.
Kapok Aging and Caregiver Resources: 9 Tips for Helping a Senior Citizen to Develop Digital Literacy
Narration provided by Wondervox.
The following was re-printed with permission from Kapok Aging and Caregiver Resources
By Jaslene Cabello
When discussing the benefits and drawbacks of digital technology, there’s one demographic that’s often left out and taken for granted: that of our distinguished senior citizens. Elderly parents and grandparents are oftentimes stereotyped in humorous memes featuring their cluelessness about technology and how it works.
But the COVID-19 pandemic has shown everyone just how transformative technology is for all ages. When grandparents were forbidden to leave their homes, many were forced to learn technologies like video conferencing, online banking, and how to use delivery apps to meet their needs.
That said, the elderly population remains one of the most vulnerable targets for cybercriminals and scammers. In Singapore alone, the number of senior citizens falling prey to phishing scams tripled from 2020 to 2021. Many seniors also lack the digital literacy skills to spot fake news or fabricated photo or video evidence, which can cause panic and fearmongering within their families and social circles.
Guest Article: Crafting a Secure Retirement and Healthcare Safety Net Beyond Social Security and Medicare
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Michael Longsdon
Elderfreedom.netPlanning for retirement and ensuring adequate healthcare coverage are paramount in securing your financial future. While Social Security and Medicare are essential components, they may not be sufficient on their own. In this guide, we’ll explore key strategies to create a robust safety net that isn’t reliant solely on these government programs.
Investing in Insurance to Protect Your Finances
One critical step toward ensuring your financial stability during retirement is purchasing disability and long-term care insurance. These specialized insurance policies act as a financial cushion, poised to provide necessary support in the face of unanticipated health crises or physical impairments. By doing so, they play a vital role in safeguarding your hard-earned savings, allowing you to navigate healthcare challenges without jeopardizing your financial future.
An App for That: WhatsApp Makes Communicating Anywhere Easy and Free
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Mark McNease
I’d heard about WhatsApp for the past few years but never took the time to learn anything about it. I figured it was just another app among the dozens most of us have on our phones, and I didn’t think I would have any use for it. Then we went on a cruise and a travelling friend of ours suggested we all download the app so we could text and call each other using the ship’s wi-fi. I wasn’t convinced, but I did it anyway … and loved it.
And then, a friend who is moving to Brazil in two weeks told me that was how he got and received calls, after I’d asked him to make sure I get his new number. “It’s the same,” he said. “We use WhatsApp.”
For the uninitiated like me, WhatsApp uses the internet to make phone calls, as well as send encrypted texts. It reminds me of Skype in some ways, but for phones, and more ubiquitous. Rather than calling a username, you’re calling a phone number that can be used anywhere in the world. (Our cell phone numbers belong to us, not to our wireless carriers, and they’re portable.)
Health Beat: What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Mark McNease
After experiencing increasing and chronic pain in my thighs, I finally went to see my primary care doctor. His diagnosis? Most likely restless leg syndrome (RLS). I’ll admit to being surprised, because I’d always imagined that as causing a visible shaking or twitching in the legs. What I didn’t know is that it can be low-grade, and it can happen while you sleep! As he explained it, my legs could be twitching almost imperceptibly while I slept, keeping them from resting and rejuvenating. The result is a pain and tiredness that was becoming slightly debilitating.
Restless leg syndrome didn’t seem to be in the public consciousness until fairly recently, and I was one of those who questioned how prevalent it was. When I first saw drug commercials for it, I thought it might be another of the discoveries being made weekly that require another medication, helpfully manufactured and marketed by the pharmaceutical companies. And then it happened to me. I know what it’s like to have an ailment that almost seems as if it’s in my imagination. If you’re experiencing this, rest assured it’s real.
For me, the doctor prescribed Ropinirole. It’s commonly used for Parkinson’s (don’t let that alarm you) and for restless leg syndrome. The results were immediate. The pain is mostly gone, and began subsiding within a couple days. And a side effect is that I sleep soundly, something that has been an issue for me for years.
Coming Soon! Drs. Ronni Sanlo and Kelly Watson Share LGBTQ History with Those Who Made It on the LGBTQ History Alive Podcast
Few things are more vital than knowing our history and keeping it alive! Fasten your headphones for this upcoming podcast with Dr. Ronni Sanlo and Dr. Kelly Watson. As we find our lives under renewed attack across the country, with efforts being made to erase us and push us back into silence, every generation will benefit from knowing where we came from, who got us here, and where we’re going.
I’ve long been a fan of Dr. Sanlo’s LGBTQ history blog posts, and I can’t wait to hear this podcast, coming January 1. SAVE THAT DATE! And subscribe to their newsletter HERE.
A Bit of Video Bombast for the New and Expanded Mark McNease Mysteries Podast
I love hyperbole, bombast, and confidence! If you’re gonna fall on your face, fall hard, I say. I’m very happy to have author Bruce W. Bishop lined up for this Sunday. We just met him in Halifax, and what a great guy he his! The books are terrific, too. Fasten your headphones!
On the Map: Our Canadian Cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas (with Slideshow)
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Mark McNease
We just got back from our third cruise to Canada, this time on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas. We were joined by our friend Michael, who often cruises with us in his own cabin.
I have a great aversion to flying, so we take ships that leave out of Bayonne (NJ) or New York. Someday we’ll want an itinerary that requires the added hassle of a plane flight, but not quite yet.
I love sailing to Canada. It should be called something else, since we stopped in Boston, Portland, and Bar Harbor first, then on to Halifax, and finally Saint John. It had a bit of a whirlwind feel to it, with the first four ports done in four days.
Savvy Senior: Top TV Remotes for Elderly Seniors
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you recommend some simplified universal television remotes for seniors? My 88-year-old dad, who lives in a retirement community, has some dementia and gets confused with all the buttons on his remote. As a result, he keeps accidently reprograming his TV set.
Searching Son
Dear Searching,
Most modern TV remotes – that come with dozens of unnecessary buttons – can be confusing for anyone to operate but can be especially challenging for elderly seniors. Fortunately, there are several universal TV remotes available that are specifically designed for older adults with vision, memory, or confusion issues, as well as those that are technologically challenged. These remotes have bigger buttons and paired down options that make them much easier to see and use. Here are three top choices to consider.
MadeMark Publishing Now on Shopify!
All my ebooks will be on Shopify soon in my storefront, and I’ll be adding much more. Stay tuned!
Halloween Books for Your Screaming Pleasure, by Various Authors
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm SezHalloween Books for Your Screaming Pleasure
Various Authorsc.2023, various publishers
$12.99 – $27.00 various page countsWhat’s that noise?
Was it the scrape of a branch on the outside of your walls, or the brush of a wing or a fang or a talon? Was there a monster creeping outside your windows, or just the wind and leaves? This is a lousy time for the lights to go out, so grab a flashlight and one of these great new books…
Savvy Senior: How to Find a Medical Escort After a Procedure
Narration provided by Wondervox.
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
Can you recommend some medical escort services that help seniors get home after a medical procedure? I need to have a colonoscopy, but my doctor’s clinic won’t schedule my appointment unless I supply them with a name and phone number of the person taking me home afterward. I live alone with no family nearby, and my friend doesn’t drive anymore. Any suggestions?
Need a Lift
Dear Need,
Good question! Finding “door-through-door” medical escort services for outpatient screenings and procedures that involve anesthesia can be challenging for older patients without nearby family or friends to rely on.