Mark McNease On Topic Substack Teaser
The following is just a tapas plate from my Mark McNease On Topic Substack. Every Monday musings you can subscribe to HERE. It’s free!
First, a big hello to new subscriber Steve! We encountered each other on Bluesky. Steve is a very nice addition to the Tree House. At this rate I’ll have to get a contractor in soon and expand the place. Anyone know a good elf?
From the Editor’s Desk
I wonder if this should be called ‘From the Trenches,’ considering what’s happening to the country.
When is a friend not a friend?
Something I struggle with is the sense of betrayal and mistrust I now feel toward anyone I know who voted for Trump. There are people in my life who made that choice, and yet I know them as ‘good’ people who don’t display any malice. And yet … and yet … I feel like a Jew may have felt in 1933 wondering who among my neighbors and friends would protect me, and who among them would direct the Gestapo to my door.
I won’t ask them, but I can’t shake the feeling that I already know. It’s one of the many reasons I left Facebook: my life, our life, is precious and I won’t put it on display for anyone who isn’t appalled that Black history and experience is being erased from our federal government. Spanish-speaking Americans, and their language, are now of no consequence to the regime. Women’s reproductive freedom is something we once imagined. And LGBTQ lives no longer matter in any way.
The Weekly Readlines February 2
America, we hardly knew ye. It’s been less than two weeks and already Trump and Project 2025 have taken a jackhammer to the country’s foundations. It’s a tragi-comedy in two acts: his first and second terms, and it’s not even intermission yet! But as horrible as it all is, remember that people have gone through worse. 400 years of slavery. Native genocide. AIDS. It’s why I cannot allow myself to shed tears only to have them savored by MAGA. We remain undefeated and unbowed.
Some Spectacular Lowlights
US Federal Websites Scrub Vaccine Data And LGBT References
Transgender People Removed From State Department Travel Page – Los Angeles Blade
CDC Researchers Ordered to Retract Papers Submitted to All Journals – MedPage Today
NOTE: “In the order, CDC researchers were instructed to remove references to or mentions of a list of forbidden terms: “Gender, transgender, pregnant person, pregnant people, LGBT, transsexual, non-binary, nonbinary, assigned male at birth, assigned female at birth, biologically male, biologically female,” according to an email sent to CDC employees (see below).”
Take a quick breather and keep reading for more news …
Following the first major plane crash in 16 years, Trump blamed “DEI,” Biden, woke-whatever, and Pete Buttigieg, whom he seems to think is still the Secretary of Transportation. He also responded to a question about visiting the crash site by saying, “What site? The water? You want me to go swimming?” Comforting words for the families of the deceased.
We learned that RFK Jr. enjoyed putting baby chickens and live mice in a blender to feed his hawks. Tuberculosis made a comeback in Kansas.
Leaked DoD memo shows halting of all non-white / Christian observances, including Holocaust Remembrance Day. (Nothing says “Never again” like erasing the Holocaust.)
Dave Hughes: Should You Take That Early Retirement Package?
Reprinted with permission from RetireFabulous.com
By Dave Hughes
RetireFabulously.comMy former employer (a large household name corporation) recently announced their intention to reduce their workforce by 15%. To accomplish that, they are offering eligible employees a generous early retirement package.
So far, four of my friends who still work there are taking it. Another friend who is 56 and was planning to work at least into his 60s, is thinking about it.
I was in the same situation over 11 years ago. I was 56 at the time (almost 57) and planned to work another 3½ years. But the company offered a generous package and after running the numbers and contemplating at great length, I decided to do it.
I’ve never regretted my choice.
Admittedly, I would have benefitted from another 3½ years of salary. I became a wedding officiant for five years to earn supplemental income until I started taking Social Security at 62.
But I was ready to end my career. Fortunately, I already had a clear picture of what I wanted to do with my life after I retired. If you’ve read some of the articles on this website or my books, you know that I firmly believe this is one of the keys to a happy, fulfilling retirement.
The Twist Podcast #285: Coup Coup Cachoo, WTF Just Happened, and Another Rick Rose Interview
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a bloodless coup! Join Mark and Rick during these darkest of times for some fun facts, frivolity, and a Big Middle Finger to the fascists. Also a great Rick Rose interview with Sean Bode.
It’s Alive! ‘Fatal Mistake: A Harry Hell Novella’ Audiobook Free and Fierce, Narrated by Wondervox
CHAPTERS 11 – 20
CHAPTERS 21 – 32
NOTE: This audiobook was made using a synthetic male voice (AI). If you don’t like that or it troubles you, skip it! No professional audiobook narrators were harmed in the production of this audiobook, since I can’t afford to hire them anymore. This is for people who enjoy the story regardless, and for me because … writing is hard work.
Narration provided by Wondervox.
I am so excited to bring one of my favorite stories to life for your listening pleasure… a novella, actually, that had an incredibly long gestation in the recesses of my imagination. I’d put it off as an audio option because the voice technology I use wasn’t quite good enough. Now I think it sounds terrific. Yes, it’s AI/synthetic voice. I would never pretend otherwise. So fasten your headphones, and let’s get this dark, dark party started.
About Fatal Mistake: A Harry Hell Novella
Buy the eBook Direct and Save!The year is closer than you think. The world has collapsed under the weight of its own insatiable needs, leaving shattered cities where those who still have anything fight to keep it that way, and those who don’t are a constant threat. It’s a danger that must be contained through a tightly controlled society where everyone is observed and everything is kept in its place. Harry Hellerman and his twin brother, Elliot, enter this world three minutes apart. By the time they’re teenagers, they’ve been surrendered to Control to be molded into the perfect assassins. A boy named Harry Hellerman enters, and a man named Harry Hell emerges: a killing machine of the highest order.
Clinton (NJ) Library Writers Group Begins
Actually, we can
(Photo: Clinton, NJ, library writers’ group)
Among the many talismans spread around my work (sacred) space is a simple wooden block with the words, ‘Actually I Can’ on it. It’s been a reminder every day that life isn’t over till they put a small hand mirror under your nose to make sure you’re dead. Until then, as Saul Bellow said (and Anne Sexton quoted in her Pulitzer Prize winning book of poetry ‘Live or Die’), “Live or die, but don’t poison everything.”
I’m living as fully as I can. The photo is the Clinton New Jersey Library adult writers group I just started facilitating last night. I don’t call them students. I prefer ‘participants’ for everything I’m doing. I even said last night, “I’m not a teacher. I’m a facilitator.” I want to facilitate other people’s creativity and desire to express themselves. That’s what I hope to be and do. This past year (2024) the universe showed me a different road to take if I was willing to let go of some of the baked-in ideas I had about who I am and what I can do.
I love to teach (I’ll allow myself to use the word in this context). I love sharing my 50+ years of experience and skill. And I love being good at it! My favorite part of book readings was the conversation with the audience afterward. People kept telling me I had a talent for talking to people, that I become animated and enthused speaking about writing, and they were right.
It invigorates me. It challenges me. It humbles me (as much as I’m willing to be humbled), and it reminds me that I have something to offer even now.
Let go, let goodness, and don’t be afraid of being someone new … that person, with those talents and gifts, was there all along.
The Rec Room: Jazz Maestro Kurt Elling and the Sounds of Perfection
Rec Room: Jazz Maestro Kurt Elling and the Sounds of Perfection
One of the takeaways from our latest cruise to the Caribbean was my introduction to virtuoso jazz singer Kurt Elling His music was on the lounge playlist, and the first time I heard it I stopped whatever I was doing and asked myself, “Who is that?” I immediately Shazam-ed it (the popular app that let’s you identify any song you hear playing) and was introduced to Elling’s very seductive, masterful jazz vocalizations. While I can’t say I’m a jazz aficionado—I’ve never spent much time listening to the genre—I can say this singer had be obsessed. There’s something about his voice and his delivery that keeps me going back for more.
Elling has long been considered one of the premiere male vocalists in modern jazz. His ability to blend traditional jazz forms with contemporary influences has earned him the kind of respect reserved for the greats. Let’s take a look and a listen …
Health Beat: Simple Strategies for a Healthier Digital Life
By Mark McNease
We just got back from another wonderful cruise. It once again gave me time to reflect, and to decide which things I wanted weeded from my life (I call it ‘deadheading,’ a gardening term) and which things I wanted to keep – in a healthier way.
Cutting back on what passes for news these days is a big one: it’s a constant bombardment of clickbait, panic or, depending on your political persuasion, triumphalist delusion. So I’ve turned that volume way down and limited my information sources.
Another thing I’ve been doing long before the last election was to limit my phone time, which today has almost nothing to do with using my smartphone as a telephone. It’s all about those apps (‘bout those app, ‘bout those apps). Chirping and pinging and vibrating. Tracking my calories and my steps and my sleep apnea and my weight loss and, of course, doom scrolling to see how much closer we are to the end of the world as we know it.
Book Review: In Open Contempt: Confronting White Supremacy in Art and Public Space, by Irvin Weathersby Jr
By Terri Schlichenmeyer
The Bookworm Sez“In Open Contempt: Confronting White Supremacy in Art and Public Space” by Irvin Weathersby Jr
c.2025, Viking $30.00 256 pagesThe issue appears to be permanent.
It’s been happening for a long time. It doesn’t look like it’ll stop any time soon, either, and though you’ve been able to work around it, you shouldn’t have to. Some say it might be better some day but you’re not holding your breath. As in the new book, “In Open Contempt” by Irvin Weathersby Jr., some things are too set in stone.
Cemeteries are filled with them.
So are parks, campuses, galleries, museums, and courtyards where, for centuries, humans have left their carved and constructed monuments and artwork celebrating and commemorating our heroes. Those works may be so familiar, in fact, that you might barely notice them, although many of the monuments have lauded white supremacists.
Savvy Senior: How Seniors Can Get Help Lowering Their Grocery Bills
By Jim Miller
Dear Savvy Senior,
I would like to find out if my 72-year-old mother is eligible for food stamps or any other type of assistance program. When my stepfather died last year, mom’s income dropped in half and is having a hard time paying her grocery bills. What can you tell us?
Searching Son
Dear Searching,
There are actually several different food assistance programs that can help lower income seniors with their grocery costs, but what’s available to your mom will depend on her income level. Here’s what you should know.
SNAP Benefits
The largest hunger safety program in the U.S. is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps), but your state may use a different name. While there are millions of seniors who are eligible for SNAP, only around 40 percent (about 4.8 million seniors) actually take advantage of this benefit.
The Weekly Readlines January 25
A note from the editor’s desk: we’re not apolitical at LGBTSr. We have an agenda—being there for the aging and elderly among us. This is acutely important during these times of erasure of us and the escalating assault on all things LGBTQ. If you take offense at my worldview, please be assured: it’s not going to change.
I tried that whole “I’m not going to be political” thing a few times, and the ghost of every friend I had who died from AIDS screamed, “What is wrong with you?” I heard them clearly and I won’t be getting along to get along any time soon. – Mark
In less that a week in office, Trump and his administration have effectively erased every trace of LGBTQ people from federal websites and resources. But just because they can’t see us doesn’t mean we’re not here. Ditto for the Spanish-language White House website (gone), women’s health resources (gone), and anything remotely offensive to the the non-white “color blind” world Project 2025 is rapidly creating for a country founded on slavery and genocide.
The Twist Podcast #284: America Gone Wild, Jesus vs MAGA, and Some Cruise Vacation Memories
Join co-hosts Mark McNease and Rick Rose as our heads spin at how quickly Emperor Cretin is destroying everything. We also take sides in the Jesus vs MAGA debate, and enjoy Mark’s most recent cruise craze memories.