Rick’s Latest Listicle: Panda Handstands, Toothpaste Blobs, and Other Quirky Facts

By Rick Rose
Co-Host of The Twist Podcast

I love a good listicle. It can be informational, educational, entertaining, or all of the above! Here are my top 5 quirky discoveries that tickled my fancy.


5. A “buttload” is an actual unit of measurement equal to 108 imperial gallons. This is roughly equivalent to 126 U.S. gallons. The term “butt” is thought to have originated from the Latin word “butticula,” which means “barrel.”

4. Uranus used to be called “George’s Star” after King George III. The planet Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel. He originally named it Georgium Sidus, which means “George’s Star.” This was in honor of King George III of England, who was the patron of Herschel’s astronomical work.

3. Giant pandas do handstands to urinate. Known for their clumsy movements, pandas are actually quite skilled at doing handstands! They do this upside-down urinating in order to mark their territory. The higher the panda can pee, the further their scent will travel.

2. The blob in toothpaste ads is called a “nurdle.” A nurdle is a small piece of toothpaste used in toothpaste ads. It’s created by extruding toothpaste through a small hole. Nurdles are often brightly colored and swirled together to create a visually appealing image.

1. A man can never urinate more than 750 ml, and a woman more than 500 ml. That’s the maximum capacity of our bladders.  So stop squeezing! You can actually hurt yourself.  So … if I were to drink a bottle of wine, would all 750 ml come back out?  That’s my next quest for a future listicle.

Rick Rose is a regular contributor to LGBTSr, and the co-host with Mark McNease of The Twist Podcast.
Narration provided by WondervoxAI.