Google + (so far so good)
Cross-posted from
I’m on the beta tryout for Google +, the giant’s attempt to take down Facebook. I haven’t had much time to play around with it, but one thing I really like: circles. You put people into different circles, such as ‘friends,’ ‘family,’ and ‘acquaintances.’ Then when you post things you select who can see it. I have several sisters I love dearly and am close to, but politically we’re quite far apart (they support equality, they just vote Republican). I’m not going to say on Facebook that Michele Bachmann is a harpy from hell, or some other snarky thing or overtly political comment. It’s not constraining myself, it’s just being sensitive to having a diverse set of friends and loved ones, which is a good thing. With Google + you can show that to just your friends if you want to, and save your family for the all the non-incendiary status updates. NOTE: This will also come in very handy at the job: you can put people into a ‘co-worker’ circle and no longer be busted for saying you hate the cubicle life, because they can’t see it.
It also looks really smooth. Facebook is too busy for me, too much crap on there, and it’s not all that user friendly. Just try finding the feed for your blog on there to funnel into your fan page. You have to click apps, and then notes, and then this and then that . . . hassle.
I think it’s going to take some time to catch on. Facebook has a very significant lead, but Google + (or, if you prefer, Google Plus) is a serious threat and worth a try from everyone looking to stay on the social media tip. (Hey, do you think ‘circle me’ will be the new ‘friend me’? At least it’s a verb.)]]>