Trangender Miami candidate clarifies her position on same-sex marriage
Donna Milo, a transgender woman running for office in Miami, is clarifying – sort of – her position on marriage equality. It serves as an example that even lgbt people are a diverse group. For all I know she doesn’t like being included in that acronym; I suspect not, but she has taken issue with being labled anti-equality. She just thinks marriages are for opposite sex couples, but as long as the government is doing the licensing we should all be able to get one. Does that clear things up?
From Gay South Florida:
Miami City Commission candidate Donna Milo — a conservative Republican, Cuban-American, transgender woman — got herself into hot water last year during a run for Congress when gay SiriusXM radio journalist Michelangelo Signorile asked her position on marriage equality.
“I view marriage as a religious sacrament,” Milo told Signorile during his May 21, 2010, program. “I believe that marriage, at this time, the way my definition, marriage is a man and a woman, but I support domestic partnerships for all consenting adults.
Now Milo would like to clarify her position on same-sex marriages: She’s against the government performing weddings for anyone, male or female, straight or gay.
Religious bodies should perform all marriages, she said.
“If however, the government is going to remain in the marriage business, then NO ONE should be excluded because of gender or sexuality,” Milo wrote in a statement Friday to The Miami Herald.
Signorile said Friday that Milo is “clearly shifting her position and that is a good thing.”]]>