Women's Health

Planned Parenthood fights back in court

From American Medical News:
Planned Parenthood chapters are waging legal battles against at least two states seeking to restrict abortion and eliminate funding for women’s health care services. Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota sued the state of South Dakota on May 27, challenging a new law requiring women seeking abortions to first undergo counseling. The measure also imposes a 72-hour delay for an abortion after a woman’s initial consultation with her doctor and requires doctors to obtain written proof that the counseling was completed. The law is scheduled to go into effect July 1. Meanwhile, a federal judge in Indiana will decide by July 1 whether to block a law terminating Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state. Planned Parenthood officials said the loss of funding will leave thousands of low-income patients without access to Pap smears, cancer screenings, birth control and sexually transmitted disease treatment. Planned Parenthood of Indiana, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, is seeking a court injunction against the measure.