
KJoy joins lgbtSr as regular contributor

I’m delighted to introduce a new blogger to Her name’s Kimberley Joy Ferren, “KJOY”, and as you’ll discover, she’s not shy or lost for words! Look for an upcoming interview with Kimberley about her photography, passions and pastimes as she checks in from California. Meanwhile, enjoy her first post and count on many more. – Mark/lgbtSr (click on the slideshow above to see individual pix) Hi all my young-at-heart “SR” compadres. Hope you’re enjoying “Pride” season! Not? Here’s some truths on how to “Be Gay with BenGAY at Pride.” First be truthful: Even though we still feel 25 inside, our bodies are fighting us – and the Spanx (both sexes, don’t lie!). It also doesn’t help that the button on the still-makes-our-ass-look-hot jeans now digs into our guts, and instead of wearing just the tank and short-shorts, we opt-out for a trendy shirt or zip-up and the longer Cargo shorts – well, to be completely honest, we actually settle on a shirt OVER the tank, ‘cause come mid-day after a few drinks? Who gives a sh*t! At that point we SRs forget our age, what is graying, sagging or untanned, and just take it off, tie that cover around our now more than pliable waists, and dance away like its 19__! That’s what I and my life-partner of 16 years, Corinne, did . . . well until her hip gave out. After that she just moved to the sidelines and rocked-out. I, on the other-hand, continued jumpin’ and swayin’ it with one of my dance pals, the now over 40 and lovely, Alisa. Nothing was keeping us from dancing. A get to know: To my closest friends I’m cheekily called “The Dance Nazi” (given to me by fellow lgbtSr blogger Rick Rose). This is due to the fact that once I’m on a dance floor I seldom leave. AND I plan to do this forever. Just give me a cane, a walker, or wheelchair, oxygen, and I’ll go til’ the end! Why still Pride? Weho Pride has a special meaning for Corinne & I since, four years ago, we went through a “ceremony” there and now see it as a wedding anniversary, even though we’ve been together all these years. Yes we thought of getting officially married when possible in CA, but my accountant told me no, “don’t put your bad credit on this woman.” Anyway, we had not been to Pride in a couple years, so we decided to go play. Getting started is all about slow: Sunday morning we gently rolled out of bed to assure no sudden movements would create a kink, or worse, a sciatica attack for my bride. I also let her have the “reading room” first, since she takes FOREVER doing her hair (those greys are lovely, but a bitch) and I needed time to “deal” with my life-long battle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – which did delay our departure. After several Imodium, coffee for my girl, and a bland nosh, we hit the road. West Hollywood, or ‘Weho,’ also known as Boys Town: Here everyone is gay, even if it’s for a few hours, day, or a lifetime. Thank God/esses that there are these special spots across the globe, and proud that one of the most famous is just a drive away. Many of us came-out here, and as it is across the world, though the clubs may change design and music styles, we go back from time-to-time to let our inner-boytoy and wildgirl, out. Our fave Weho hangouts: The lesbian scene in Weho peaked in the ‘90s, so outside of The Palms and wherever GirlBar is, to hangout we go where the boys play. For drinks (they have amazing “stiff” drinks and two-for-one hours) and fabuloso Mex food: Fiesta Cantina. For Dancing: Mickey’s.

Back to Pride 2011 – Kickoff: Okay. So even with my IBS attack (I know, TMI) we got to Weho early, and jetted over to Cantina. I heard the roar of the “Dykes on Bikes” who always rev-it-up and start the parade, so I ran streetside and caught pics of cool womyn on the roll! Pride was on! Early = padded seating: Being that I’m anal (I get the pun!), we arrived at Cantina before the crowds, and got a table off the patio. Once settled-in (that means we horded cushy stools) we ordered up TALL Bloody Mary’s and Mimosa. What was funny was, when I looked around, most of the people were SRs! Corinne and I laughed so hard. Guess we’ve learned to get there early and “mark your spot” to assure a table and seat for our sure-to-ache-later bodies. It also assures a great lookout point to enjoy the hot young, and not so young, that would arrive. Cantina doesn’t have a dance floor, but a great upstairs patio/bar, so hot SRs and young eye-candy are guaranteed. Straights love it here too. We just dig the playful vibe, the great service, and it feels comfortable. That means a lot to an SR. Standing and holding in one’s stomach for hours is damned exhausting! Moving on girlfriends: After a few drinks, shrimp and chicken soft tacos, and me running in-and-out to shoot photos of the parade and passersby while Corinne partied with the locals, we paid our tab (DON’T do a tab anywhere unless you have ample funds, too easy to drain the account for fun), and were ready to go next-door to Mickey’s.

Follow along in a second KJOY blog post soon . . .