
NY Governor Cuomo expects marriage bill to pass

It’s Saturday morning and the clock is ticking down. I absolutely will not believe we have marriage equality in New York until the governor’s signature is on the bill. I want to be proven wrong. I want my cynicism, skepticism and contempt for the likes of Archbishop Dolan to be shed in a moment of shock and awe. Until then I’ll assume the forces of darkness have the upper hand. Frank and I have, however, begun discussions of a guest list for the ceremony . . . just in case.

From the New York Times:

ALBANY — Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Friday that he expected same-sex marriage legislation to be approved before the end of the legislative session next week, and indicated that to win passage of the measure he is prepared to yield to Republican concerns for greater protections of religious groups. I am a proponent of marriage equality, and I’m working very hard to make that a reality in New York,” Mr. Cuomo told reporters on Friday as lawmakers prepared to go home for the weekend. “I am also a proponent of religious freedom, and separation of church and state, so these are both very important principles. I don’t see one in competition with the other.” With signs pointing to a vote on the marriage issue in the State Senate next week, there are widespread expectations that it will pass. A number of Republicans are said to prefer that the matter not be allowed to come up for a vote, but 31 of the Senate’s 62 members have expressed support for the measure, including two Republicans. Other Republican lawmakers appear to be seriously considering lending their support if Mr. Cuomo agrees to amend the proposal to give greater protection to religious organizations.