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Mark's Cafe Moi: Holding my breath – one vote short in New York

This is a short one and I hope it won’t prove bittersweet. I’ve kept my expectations very, very low in the marriage fight in New York. I’ve watched for over a decade as marriage equality proponents have struggled and protested and worked for the day we would achieve this, only to see it thwarted time and again. We didn’t have the votes in the Senate, plain and simple, and I wasn’t convinced we did this time. Then I see that we’ve reached this amazing threshold: one vote short. The usual professional bigots are howling ever louder – Archbishop Dolan, the storefront preacher Ruben Diaz, the highly paid thugs from NOM – as we come so very close to something so very simple – the right of Frank and I to go downtown and get married. No big deal, as everyone will discover when it happens. A big deal to the couples who’ve been kept from it, certainly, but in the scheme of things, something everyone will look back on ten years from now and wonder what all that conflict, anger and prejudice was about.

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